Beauty, exhausted.

July 10, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I have two children.  I'll call them Booh (a not quite 13yo girl) and Stink (just shy of 11yo boy.)  I love them more than I ever thought I could possibly love.  They also annoy me more than I ever thought I could possibly be annoyed.  By all accounts, they are good kids.  I'm lucky and blessed, even though I want to go all Homer on them at times and give 'em a good Bart Strangle.

They are both very active kids.  I log hours at basketball, volleyball, football, baseball, drama, art, and choir.  In addition, both play lacrosse year round.  On top of that, they are both Irish dancers.  Booh is much more serious about dance.  It's her full time, primary sport.  Stink does it here and there, when it suits him.

Today was one of the days we look forward to all year long.  Our annual performance at the Irish American Heritage Center's Irish Fest.  Both kids danced and then, the dress clothes were off and the fun was on.  Unlike another fave, Gaelic Park's Irish Fest, there is no carnival, but the kids seem to make their own fun.  Green River and ice cream for them.  Bangers, chips, fish, and beers for the adults.  It is a little enclave on the northside where we can let the kids roam and just kick back with our parent friends.  The kids came up with their own games in the side yard of the building.  Keeping each other entertained.  No outsiders needed.  Well, except for outsider (aka Mean Mom) intervention regarding tackle football over a flip flop is not a good idea and the port-a-pot is NOT a toy/hide and seek place, that is.  They played hard.  Hard.

And, this it he result.  It's not a good photo, but it captures that final moment at the fest.  That blob on the stage?  That's Stink.  Taking a nap.  Game. Over. Man.  Fun well had.  Beautiful night.



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